

Belarus Helsinki Committee
220036 Minsk,
K. Liebknecht str., 68, office 1201

Tel. +375 17 222 48 01
Fax: +37517 222 48 00;

BHC works to ensure that human rights are included in all spheres of life (including in commercial activities), and that people hold greater power in controlling their own life.

It is an autonomous, independent, non-profit, human rights public association established to implement humanitarian activities in Belarus. It operates on the basis of self-governance and unites Belarusian citizens on the basis of their common interests. It is independent from government and business bodies, political and non-governmental organizations. Together with Viasna, BHC conducts election monitoring in the coalition “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”.



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Upcoming Elections

Currently there are no events.


Human Rights Center Viasna

Viasna is a non-governmental human rights organization, created in 1996 during mass protest actions of the democratic opposition in Belarus. It contributes to the development of civil society in Belarus, based on respect of human rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

Viasna was initially a group created to help arrested protestors and their families in the 1996 protests. From this stems the name “Viasna-96”. On 15 June 1999 the organization was registered as the Human Rights Center "Viasna". Viasna consists of a central office in Minsk and regional organizations in the majority of Belarusian cities. Together with BHC, Viasna conducts election monitoring in the coalition “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”.



