

Constitutional Referendum

Preliminary statement on the conduct of the Constitutional Referendum


Citizen Observer Initiative and the European Platform for Democratic Elections found an unprecedented number of violations on the December 6 Constitutional Referendum. The referendum campaign was marred by massive misuse of administrative resources to campaign in favor of the constitutional changes and influencing the voting and tabulation process via control of electoral administration on the territorial and local levels. 


Parliamentary Elections

Press Release


From 23 to 26 October 2015 the European Platform for Democratic Elections conducted its short-term election observation mission to the parliamentary election in Poland. EPDE observers note that the Electoral Code of the Republic of Poland does not provide civil independent domestic election observation. EPDE notes that the rights of the proxies and international observers are described insufficiently in the Electoral Code. 


Ukraine Local Elections

EPDE Experts Reports


During the Local Elections in Ukraine held on October 25 and November 15, 2015 20 EPDE experts and observers analyzed key issues of the election process. The project was founded by the European Union, the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Polish-German Cooperation Foundation. Additionally, 15 EPDE short-term observers from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Norway, Poland and Russia monitored the election day proceedings with the support of the civic observers from the Civic Network Opora and the Committee of Voters of Ukraine.


Ukraine Local Elections

EPDE Experts Reports


During the Local Elections in Ukraine held on October 25 and November 15, 2015 20 EPDE experts and observers analyzed key issues of the election process. The project was founded by the European Union, the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Polish-German Cooperation Foundation. Additionally, 15 EPDE short-term observers from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Norway, Poland and Russia monitored the election day proceedings with the support of the civic observers from the Civic Network Opora and the Committee of Voters of Ukraine.


Parliamentary Elections

Final Report


EPDE carried out long-term observation of the November 1, 2015, Parliamentary Elections in Azerbaijan with support of more than 50 local long-term observers (LTOs) and local civil society activists in more than 80 election constituencies around the country. EPDE notes with regret that the November 1, 2015, Parliamentary Elections were carried out amidst numerous incidents of political imprisonment and gross violations of freedoms to assembly, association, and expression.


Parliamentary Elections

Analysis of the Activity of International Monitoring Missions


EPDE expresses its concern over international election observation missions delegitimizing the institution of election observation as well as damaging the reputation of those parliaments and international institutions that they represent. According to an EPDE survey of the work of international election observation missions during the Parliamentary elections on November 1, 2015, in Azerbaijan, none of the 40 officially registered international missions conducted a long-term election observation in the country. 


Constitutional Referendum

Armenian Election Monitoring Groups protest against pushing forward constitutional reform by the presidential administration


On September 4, 2013, President Serzh Sargsyan made a unilateral decision to introduce amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. The referendum was pushed forward by the authorities rather quickly and aggressively. Many international standards for referendums, as set forth in Venice Commission’s Code of Good Practice on Referendums (2007) are not observed. 


Human Dimension Meeting of ODIHR

Harassment of Independent Citizens’ Election Observers – Challenges for international Institutions and Civil Society


EPDE is alarmed about the increasing harassment of citizens' election observers in the ODIHR region. EPDE members in Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation and Belarus are affected by intimidation of staff members, criminal persecution, non-registration of the organisations or of labelling of the organisation as "foreign agents". Authoritarian regimes "copy and paste" laws to restrict the watchdog function of independent election observers. EPDE has organised a discussion on the Human Dimension Meeting of ODIHR in Warsaw 25 September 2015. 


Local Elections

Statement on the Results of Civic Election Observation

On September 13, 2015, more than ten thousand elections took place in Russia, including the elections of 21 governors, 11 deputies of regional parliaments, and elections of representative bodies of 25 regional capitals. The 2015 local elections are the last full-scale dress rehearsal of the Russian electoral system—in preparing, organizing, and conducting an Election Day—before the upcoming 2016 national elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.


Local Elections

Analytical Report № 6: Final Stage of Election Campaign

This report finds that a number of election commissions organizing the elections are arbitrary and biased when it comes to governing the campaign activities of election participants. The election commissions show favor and indulgence towards the administrative ruling party candidates, and prejudice towards the opposition representatives.


Local Elections

Analytical Report № 5: Compliance with the Principles and Standards of Democratic Elections in the Initial Campaign Stage

In the process of registration, candidates and parties must pass a “signature filter,” i.e. they must collect a certain number of signatures to qualify for registration. Refusals to register a candidate or party occur for other reasons as well, and these can impact even candidates and parties exempt from signature collection. Election participants often find their nomination and registration obstructed by election commissions organizing the elections as well as by local administrations. Pubic administrative resources are used massively and widely at the pre-election campaign stage. 


Local Elections

Analytical Report № 3: The Practice of Bringing to Justice Members of Election Commissions for Electoral Violations in the run-up to Election Day

Administrative penalties that may be levied on members of election commissions are relatively minor in comparison to the severity of their transgressions. Often, holding commission members administratively responsible is indicative of efforts to conceal more serious violations of electoral laws, such as falsification of electoral documents and ballot rigging.


Local Elections

Analytical Report № 2: Nomination Process for Candidates and Political Party Lists

Administrative penalties that may be levied on members of election commissions are relatively minor in comparison to the severity of their transgressions. Often, holding commission members administratively responsible is indicative of efforts to conceal more serious violations of electoral laws, such as falsification of electoral documents and ballot rigging.


Local Elections

Expert Assessment of Short-term Election Observation Mission


On 12 June 2015, the International Elections Study Center (IESC) in partnership with the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) and Moldavian NGO Promo-Lex deployed an international expert mission to Local Elections in Moldova that were held on June 14, 2015. The mission was composed of 20 experts, who observed the election processes on the Election Day at more than 100 polling stations located in different regions of the Republic of Moldova.