

Manual for the media identifying fake election observers


This manual helps journalists identify politically biased or "fake" election observers during election processes.


EPDE Publication

Puzzling rules-equal game?

EU in focus

This study compares political finance regulations across the EU and identifies common challenges and possible responses to those. The recommendations of this study seek to enhance EU-level regulation of political finance with the aim to replicate this at the national level.



Government-Friendly Election Observers at the 2022 Hungarian Parliamentary Elections


For the first time in the history of any EU Member State, Orbán’s government invited dozens of friendly politicians, journalists and civil society activists whose aim was to endorse the elections. Those friendly observers – among them members of the European Parliament and of the PACE of the Council of Europe - praised the conduct of the parliamentary elections in Hungary and made clearly political statements in support of Fidesz and Orbán.


Policy Alert

A tilted playing field favors the government in Hungary’s April 3 parliamentary elections


Parliamentary elections are taking place in Hungary on April 3 and will be decided among two political blocks in an unprecedentedly polarized environment. Several concerns raised regarding the elections relate to the legal environment, while others to the uneven playing field, especially regarding the media landscape and campaign financing, which all tilt the playing field toward the incumbent government.