

EPDE Publication

The Rise and Fall of a Polish Agent of the Kremlin Influence: The Case of Janusz Niedźwiecki


Evidence collected by EPDE through the years demonstrates that invitations to participate in politically biased international election observation missions are used by authoritarian regimes or illiberal actors as an entry door to recruit allies in key institutions. Our latest report discusses the case of a Polish political individual, Janusz Niedźwiecki, to provide a detailed account of how participation in 'fake observation' leads to engagement in even more malicious activities. Report available in 1. English and 2. Polish.


EPDE Publication

Bogus International Monitors for the Bogus Russian Parliamentary Elections

Source: – Evgeniy Zaytsev.

With the gradual systemic decline of the democratic character of Russian presidential, parliamentary, and other elections, Vladimir Putin’s regime found it increasingly difficult to secure their international legitimacy. In an attempt to give the impression of international legitimation of the parliamentary elections, Russian authorities reportedly brought in 383 “international observers” and “experts” from 80 countries.