

Local Elections in Georgia

Final Results of the Election Day According to ISFED PVT Data


Based on the ISFED PVT data, in the 99.7% of polling stations the counting process was conducted without major incidents. The polling station #59 in Ozurgeti district was an exception, where, apparently, there was a focused attempt to create disturbances and annul the precinct, which would influence the overall result of Ozurgeti mayoral race. Nevertheless, the integrity of electoral documentation was not threatened and, at the end, the summary protocol properly reflected the will of the voters.


Local Elections in Georgia

Evaluation of the Pre-Election Period of the Runoffs


The monitoring found that the period between the first and the second round of local self-government elections was marked by instances of harassment/intimidation on political grounds and misuse of administrative resources in Ozurgeti, which threaten equal and free pre-election environment.


Local Elections in Georgia

Third Interim Report of the Pre-Election Observation



The Georgian local self-government elections took place on October 21, 2017. the last four weeks before Election Day were marked by a significant increase in cases of intimidation and harassment, mostly of opposition and independent candidates and their supporters, but also of public servants and teachers. ISFED notes that the 23 cases of intimidation identified in the interim report constitute the highest number of such violations documented in any reporting period compared to the 2013, 2014, or 2016 elections.


Court System of Georgia

Judiciary in a Vicious Circle


ISFED published a policy brief on the challenges within the judiciary system of Georgia. According to it, the state must relinquish the leverage at its disposal, allow the judiciary to act as a real implementer of its own powers and let it implement its real function to protect democracy and the Constitution. To this end, the state must demonstrate political will and recognise the problems that unfortunately none of the “waves” of the reform managed to tackle.


Local Elections in Georgia

Second Interim Report of the Pre-Election Observation


Within the reporting period, ISFED detected 13 instances of alleged political intimidation/harassment, 2 instances of violence, 4 instances of interference with campaigning, 9 instances of illegal participation in campaigning, 3 instances of misuse of administrative resources, 1 instance of possible vote buying, 4 instances of damaging campaign materials and 13 cases of conflict of interest in district electoral commissions (DECs).


Local Elections in Georgia

ISFED identifies challenges in Georgian pre-election environment


The local self-government elections in Georgia will take place on 21 October 2017. The Georgian EPDE member ISFED has recently published a report assesing the pre-election environment. According to the report, constitutional changes were the major issue of civil society and political discussions ahead of the elections. The process of constitutional reform reached a sort of a stalemate in late June, after the ruling party made an unexpected decision to postpone changes in the electoral system until 2024.


Georgian CSOs assessment

Joint Assessment of the Work of the State Constitutional Commission of Georgia


The purpose of the joint assessment is to provide the Venice Commission with a comprehensive overview of the working process of the Constitutional Commission together with the CSO opinions on some of the most crucial amendments introduced by the draft of the constitution. Namely, these are the electoral system of the Parliament, election of the president and the definition of marriage in the constitution.


Parliamentary Elections in Georgia

Final Report of the Election Observation Mission to the Republic of Georgia for the Parliamentary Elections, October 2016


The parliamentary elections, held in Georgia on 8 October 2016, with repeat voting in a few precincts on 22 October and a second round of voting in a number of single-candidate constituencies on 30 October, were generally in line with international standards. However, the authorities need to investigate and address the serious shortcomings described in this report and by other observer missions. Incidents of violence and intimidation of voters in some electoral districts marred the overall impression of the elections.