

Parliamentary Elections

1st Pre-election monitoring report of the parliamentary elections


The Promo-LEX Association has launched the first Observation Mission Report on the Parliamentary Elections of February 24, 2019. According to the observers’ findings, the analysis of the pre-electoral context, the electoral legislation and the relevant regulations, Promo-LEX identified several irregularities that occurred during the period of July 27 – December 10, 2018.


Republican referendum

Analysis on the possibility of holding a Republican referendum on the day of the parliamentary elections


On 13 November 2018, the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM) announced in a press conference that it prepared an initiative to hold a consultative referendum on the day of the parliamentary elections, 24 February 2019, thus avoiding the spending of additional money and ensuring a high voter turnout.


Follow-Up on Electoral Reform

Follow-up on the implementation of the electoral reform in Moldova in the context of the upcoming Parliamentary elections


On 24 February 2019 the Republic of Moldova will hold regular Parliamentary elections. Unfortunately, the activity of the current legislature and political parties is marked by many social and political events with negative connotations.


Follow-Up on Electoral Reform

Electoral reform in Moldova


Promo-LEX has formulated many recommendations for the improvement of the above-mentioned aspects of the electoral system, thus striving to contribute to the organization of free and fair elections in Moldova. The main recommendation formulated in this regard by Promo-LEX for the authorities was to cancel the mixed electoral system or at least to implement it no earlier than for the 2022 Parliamentary elections, and only after all the gaps are settled and citizens are better informed about this change.


Local Elections

Observation Mission of the New Local Elections of 20 May 2018 – Report No 2


On May 3, 2018, the Promo-LEX Observation Mission (OM) launched its second monitoring report on the new local elections to be held on May 20, 2018. In the report, the OM reveals several issues, related to the activities of electoral bodies, financing of electoral campaigns, as well as to the use of administrative resources by electoral contenders, or for their benefit.  Additionally, incitement to hatred and discrimination was a common practice over the monitored period.


Local Elections

Observation Mission of the New Local Elections of 20 May 2018 – Report No 1


The Promo-LEX Observation Mission (OM) of the new local elections of 20 May 2018 is a project carried out by Promo-LEX Association under the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections. Report No 1 is an interim report, the general purpose of which is to ensure the overall improvement of the electoral process in progress. According to Promo-LEX OM estimates, the potential election candidates spend at least MDL 478,890 for election activities before their registration.


Republican Legislative Referendum

Promo-LEX Analysis on level of implementation of the recommendations


Promo-LEX analyzes the level of implementation of the recommendations made by the European Commission for Democracy Through Law and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights to the Republic of Moldova with Regards to the Draft Laws Amending and Supplementing Some Legislative Acts (electoral system for parliamentary elections). The Assosiation found out that out of 32 recommendations only 12 (37.50%) were fulfilled, 14 (43.75%) – partially fulfilled, while 6 (18.75%) – were not fulfilled at all.


Republican Legislative Referendum

Opinion of Promo-LEX Association on the rejection of the Initiative Group registration application for referendum


Promo-LEX Association disapproves of the decision of the Central Electoral Commission to reject the registration of the Initiative Group for conducting a republican legislative referendum on repealing Law No 154 of 20 July 2017, which changed the electoral system into the mixed one. The Association is alarmed by the trends that take shape in the society – when certain important national public authorities limit the citizens’ right to initiate a referendum, as well as to freely express their opinions in a democratic exercise.