
CEC and CICDE failed to accomplish all activities foreseen in their 2016-2019 Strategic Plans

Promo-LEX announced the findings of the Final Evaluation Report on the implementation of the Strategic Plans of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) and the Center for Continuous Electoral Training (CICDE) for 2016 – 2019. Following the evaluation, it was found that in the implementation of the planned actions, both the CEC and the CICDE have registered a certain degree of progress, as well as several shortcomings.

Thus, according to Promo-LEX, of the 34 actions foreseen by the CEC in the Strategic Plan for 2016-2019, only 13 (38%) have been fully accomplished, 19 (56%) – partially accomplished, and 2 (6%) remained unfulfilled.

The most significant results have been achieved in carrying out a feasibility study on the introduction of e-voting, which found that the existing technical conditions favor the introduction of this voting system. Additionally, in the reference period, the CEC carried out several voter information campaigns, aimed at various target groups (women, people with disabilities, citizens residing abroad, etc.). Thus, the largest information campaigns were organized in the context of the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019.

On the other hand, failures have been registered in the implementation of the pilot project on the use of e-voting system in the parliamentary elections of 2019 and in the creation of a new subdivision within the CEC responsible for the supervision and control of party and election campaign funding. Moreover, the CEC delayed such activities as: implementation of the “Financial Control” module, planned for 2017, increasing the accessibility of polling stations for people with disabilities, implementation of various tools to enhance the communication with the diaspora, developing practical guidelines and methodological guidance on solving electoral disputes in courts.

In the case of the CICDE, Promo-LEX finds that, of the total of 58 activities planned for 2016-2019, the authority managed to accomplish only 24 (42%), 14 (24%) being partially fulfilled and 17 (29%) remaining unfulfilled. At the same time, 3 (5%) of the planned activities had been ambiguously worded, which made it difficult to understand what the expected results are.

In this respect, the public institution has obtained significant results in the implementation of a complex training program intended for electoral officials and other target groups, as well as in establishing partnerships with national and international institutions. Also, voter information and educational campaigns for various target groups have been carried out. In addition, there has been made an analysis and a systematic review of developed training modules, etc.

On the other hand, the Evaluation Report on the implementation of the CICDE Strategic Plan for 2016-2019 reveals some deficiencies. Thus, the weakest results have been achieved in conducting a study to identify voters’ interests, attitudes, opinions and preferences, developing a new and specific program for training of trainers, which would include all training courses developed by the institution, creation of a permanent network of professional trainers, etc.

At the same time, the CICDE failed to ensure continuous communication with electoral officials, local government officials, trainers and partners. Moreover, the institution did not carry out a market survey to identify potential international markets for the provision of training services, and no research was made into the participation of people with disabilities in the electoral process, etc.

Following the evaluation of the activities carried out by the CEC and CICDE in the period of 2016- 2019, the Promo-LEX Association presents in the Report a number of recommendations addressed to the electoral authority to ensure the implementation of the objectives set out in the Strategic Plans.

The final report is available to download below.

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