
Event: Money and Politics - How Poland fares against Europe?

In cooperation with the Political Accountability Foundation the European Platform for Democratic Elections cordially invites you to the online discussion:

Money and politics — how Poland fares against Europe?

During the discussion we will try to answer the following questions:

  • Can third-party campaigning be regulated?
  • How much transparency is needed and can too much transparency make political strategising harder?
  • Are subventions for political parties the only way of limiting corruption?
  • What new challenges to political finance stem from the development of new technologies?

During the event, EPDE's study "Puzzling rules – equal game?" on political finance regulations across the EU will be presented.

The speakers:

Alexander SHLYK, Former Head of OSCE/ODIHR's Election Department
Septimius PARVU, Political clientelism expert, Expert Forum, Romania
Katarzyna BATKO-TOŁUĆ, Member of the Board of the Citizens Network Watchdog Poland

Sylwester ORACZ, Campaign finance expert, Political Accountability Foundation


This event is part of the project “European voters - together for electoral integrity” and funded by the European Union as part of the Europe for Citizens (EfC) programme.

Project partners:

Download the invitation here:

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