ISFED (Georgia) presents PVT projections on election day

The voting process was mostly conducted in an organized and peaceful environment. Most of the violations observed were procedural and small in nature. The major drawbacks of the day were the following: voters cast their ballot without an official ID, electoral documentation was not properly filled-out, unauthorized persons were present inside the station, and issues with voters’ lists in Batumi. Most of the violations identified by ISFED were spread throughout the country. However, in the following 12 polling stations more than one violation occurred: #25 in Mtatsminda, #2 and #20 in Chughureti, #23 in Dedopolistskaro, #47 in Bolnisi, #31 and #45 in Dusheti, #13 in Kharagauli, #26 in Zestaponi, #99 in Zuggidi, #14 in Kobuleti and #21 in Shuakhevi.

Given the reports about the conduct of the Election Day process, ISFED is confident releasing their PVT projections for the Presidential Election. Their PVT projections are based on reports received from all 100% of its 800 PVT observers.


The full PVT-report and the results of the election day observation are available here:


Report on PVT projections: PDF (EN)  |  Report on Voting Process: PDF (EN)

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