
Call for trainers: ISFED, EPDE member, is looking for experts for training election observation organizations

EPDE member ISFED is looking for trainers. Deadline for application is 20 September 2022. Please see their job posting below:


"The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) is looking for trainers to provide training on relevant topics to representatives of election organizations from the EU’s Eastern Neighborhood and some EU Member States. The training is to be held in the second half of October this year.

· The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) is seeking a trainer to co-develop and conduct a training on strategic communication. See more information on the following link:

· The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) is seeking a trainer to co-develop and conduct a training on monitoring of political party and campaign finances. See more information on the following link:

· The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) is seeking a trainer to co-develop and conduct a training on disinformation monitoring. See more information on the following link:

The training will be 4 full working days. The trainer must be available prior to the training for consultations and joint conceptualization of the training together with other trainers.

Interested applicants should submit the following documentation via email to the following email address: in ONE combined PDF indicating a respective training name in a subject line by 20th of September 09:00 CEST."

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