Berlin, 22 October 2013: From September 19-25, 2013 eighteen EPDE election experts observed the German Parliamentary elections and attended a summer school on election observation techniques. Topics as mathematical-statistical analysis of election results, electoral legislation and election systems were on the agenda of the summer school.


The visit started with two days (September 20th and 21st) of experts’ meetings with German election experts Prof. Oskar Niedermayer (Freie Universität Berlin) and Prof. Thorsten Faas (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz), with the head quarters of the German party DIE LINKE Dr. Harald Pätzolt and the head of the Landeswahlleitung Berlin Dr. Petra Michaelis-Merzbach. 


Sunday 22 September 2013, the day of the elections to the Bundestag, EPDE member spend in Berlin. They visited several polling stations; observe the process of the elections and subsequently the vote counting in different regions of Berlin. Like this they could familiarize oneself with the organisational basic conditions of the elections in Germany.




On September 23 and 24 September 2013 a summer school took place in Berlin in cooperation with the Humboldt University Berlin. The summer school was organised by the European Platform for Democratic Elections. Election experts from GOLOS Russia – Andrej Buzin, Arkadi Lubarev and Roman Udot hold lectures on mathematical statistical analysis of election results and on election systems. Other participants of the summer school were from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Georgia.




Find more impressions on our facebook site here.
