В организации-члене EPDE открыта вакансия на должность тренера по IT и безопасности данных

Terms of reference for the Training on IT Data and Security for EPDE Platform Member Organizations:


  1. 1.       Background

The training is part of the Development Agenda under the project “Setting up a Civil Society Platform for the Development of Democracy and Voters’ Rights in the Eastern Partnership Countries” – a project funded by the European Commission, and implemented in the six Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) by a partnership of three organizations: European Exchange gGmbH (Germany), International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy – ISFED (Georgia) and Promo-LEX Association (Moldova).  The project targets domestic election monitoring organizations from the six EaP countries that are members of the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE).  The EPDE is a network of 14 civil society organizations supporting or conducting citizen observation in the states of the Eastern Partnership, the Russian Federation and the European Union.  The aim of the EPDE is to assist citizen observation in the countries of the Eastern Partnership and in the Russian Federation, and to contribute to democratic election processes throughout Europe.  EPDE works to improve the professionalism of domestic election observation throughout Europe and increase the visibility of findings of domestic election observation nationally and internationally.  The EPDE contributes to increasing visibility for findings of domestic election observation.


As part of the development agenda under the project, ISFED provides trainings, internships, study visits and other professional experience sharing activities for EPDE platform member organization representatives from the Eastern Partnership countries.



  1. 2.       Scope of Work

ISFED aims to recruit a trainer (or a team of two trainers) to deliver training on IT Data and Security.  The training should address the needs of the domestic citizen observer organizations of collecting, storing, and analyzing data with a strong focus on security issues.  The training should help participants identify information technologies and relevant infrastructure solutions to their challenges related data and security issues including through the utilization of modern online gadgets, applications and tools.  The training should include peer-to-peer experience sharing opportunities for participants to give possibility of transfer of knowledge and practices as well as potential replication of successful examples. 


The scope of work will include the following deliverables.

a)      Development of the training outline – a summary of the training topics, content and methodology, as well as materials needed, and relevant times allocated for each topic.

b)      Preparation of the training materials (if any).

c)       Development of evaluation questionnaires.

d)      Conducting the two-day training.


The two-day training will be held in mid-March in Tbilisi, Georgia.



  1. 3.       Applications

Interested applicants to in response to this Terms of Reference should submit the following documentation via email to HR@isfed.ge by February 18, 2016:


  • Resume of the trainer(s);
  • Draft training agenda with the list of the topics (max. 2 pages);
  • Brief outline of the methodology used for the training (max. 1 page);
  • Expected net honorarium.

The applicants should indicate in the subject line the training they wish to conduct.


Ideal applicants will have a track record of designing and conducting trainings, experience with data and security issues, good understanding of the region, and knowledge of English language.

Selection will be based on the best price, methodology and technical compatibility.


You can download this document as PDF here.

